
What’s Wrong with Bernie Sanders’ 32-Hour Bill

A shortening of the hours of work is a highly desirable goal. But it cannot be achieved along with growing prosperity except in a free market.

Capitalist Profits Do Not Cause Inflation

Capitalist Profits Do Not Cause Inflation

The idea that hundreds of thousands of businesses have colluded to raise prices to boost their profit margins and in so doing, engineered the inflation that continues to afflict Americans — is easily disproven. 

Remembering Henry Hazlitt

Remembering Henry Hazlitt

Herny Hazlitt was a popularizer of sound economic thinking, a critic of John Maynard Keynes, and a contributor to ethical moral philosophy. Not bad for a poor fatherless boy and college dropout.

Wage Rates Under Capitalism

Wage Rates Under Capitalism

In a free market, within the limit of his abilities, each person chooses that job which he believes offers him the best combination of money and nonmonetary considerations. In so doing, he simultaneously acts for his own maximum well-being and for that of the consumers who buy the ultimate products his labor helps to produce.

Commodity Speculation in a Free-Market

Commodity Speculation in a Free-Market

Speculative activity, of course, is not limited to anticipating just future scarcities. Rather, it seeks in general to balance consumption and production over time by accumulating stocks of commodities and regulating their rate of consumption.

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