South America

Ley Bases: Milei’s New Monetary Regime for Argentina

Argentina needs a monetary regime whose survival depends as little as possible on domestic politics.

Does Argentina Have Enough Dollars to Dollarize?

Does Argentina Have Enough Dollars to Dollarize?

Argentine President Javier Milei has postponed the implementation of his much-anticipated dollarization plan. Some commentators, including Steve Forbes, have urged Milei to pick up the pace before it’s too late. Is it too late for Argentina to dollarize? One major...

Bush Bails out Brazil–and Wall Street

Bush Bails out Brazil–and Wall Street

United Airlines, to stave off bankruptcy, wants $1.8 billion dollars in federal loan guarantees. With the exception of Southwest Airlines, all major airlines now lose money, with United -- one of the highest-cost airlines -- incurring losses of nearly a million...

Creating Poverty in South America

Several years ago, I was invited to deliver a lecture in Porto Alegre, a beautiful city in southern Brazil. Before my lecture, I did a bit of window-shopping and visited a couple of computer supply stores. Everything in the store sold for two and three times the...

A Mexican VISA-Vending Scandal

President Bush signed an immigration reform bill last month that will supposedly make our borders "more secure" and "smart." But "smart" technology can't cure corrupted borders. This new law won't do much good if our own State Department officials are willing to sell...

Brazil’s War on Profit and Lives

Imagine that you are suffering from an incurable disease, which slowly wastes away your body and leads inevitably to death. One day, a scientist working with a pharmaceutical company discovers a drug that vastly increases your chance of survival. Do you: A) offer him...

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