Intellectual Property

World IP Day: Economic Benefits of Intellectual Property            

Films and video games aren’t the only things threatened by piracy. Patents for innovative inventions and life-saving medications also stand at risk.

Patents Are Property Rights

Patents Are Property Rights

Ayn Rand’s genius was to recognize that man’s mind is his basic means of survival, that production is the application of reason to the problem of survival, and thus that all property is logically intellectual property at root.

The Smartphone Wars and “Patent Trolls”

There are widespread complaints today that the “patent system is broken” and that the “smartphone wars” and “patent trolls” are killing innovation. Yet patented innovation has revolutionized our lives today—tablet computers, smartphones and antiviral drugs are just a few of these modern marvels. How to make sense of this contradiction?

Teslas’s New Patent Policy: Long Live the Patent System!

Teslas’s New Patent Policy: Long Live the Patent System!

In plain English, here’s the deal that Tesla is offering to manufacturers and users of its electrical car technology: in exchange for using Tesla’s patents, the users of Tesla’s patents cannot file patent infringement lawsuits against Tesla if Tesla uses their other patents.

No “Patent Troll” Litigation Problem

No “Patent Troll” Litigation Problem

With the future of innovation at stake, it is not crazy to ask that before we make radical, systemic changes to the patent system that we have validly established empirical evidence that such revisions are in fact necessary or at least would do more good than harm.

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