Leonardo F. Urbano

Leonardo F. Urbano is an electrical engineering student at Drexel University.

Free Education from the Grip of Government

Each year Drexel University sends hundreds of freshmen (at the threat of not graduating) to Philadelphia public schools as part of the service-learning program managed by Junior Achievement Inc. While the alleged benefits of "forced volunteerism" in our university is...

The Voice of the People in Philadelphia

The Penn's Landing redevelopment issue in Philadelphia raises an interesting and concrete example of the relationship between government and public property development and improvement. We would all like to see something beautiful and valuable happen on the waterfront...

Drexel University: A Modern Business?

Drexel University is very often accused by students and faculty of being "run like a business" while pointing to its shortcomings and ignorant "customer service" as proof of it. When one hears of so many bad experiences with the Drexel administration and considers the...

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